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Más información- Turistbus med toilet / Tourist bus with toilet
Propellant: Diesel
Catalyst: Yes
Engine Heater: Yes
Steering: 2-wheel
Towbar: Yes
License plates: Is not included, Registration certificate included.
Is visually reviewed, but not fully tested in all functions: Yes
Handbrake OK: Yes
Water in the cooler OK: Yes
Engine oil OK: Yes
Engine OK: Yes
Brakes OK: Yes
Visible dents or scratches: Yes
Pivot steer OK: Yes
Technical condition (1-5) 5=best: 2
Could be in operation until delivery: Yes
Tourist bus with toilet. Runs well in the engine. Clutch defective. Must be picked up on a sweeper or towed away. See more pictures and information - as well as other auctions at www.fymasauctions.dk Mercedes Integro 0-550 627 - Turistbus med toilet / Tourist bus with toilet